"The Ready and the Unready" (Part One)
Sep 4, 2024
2 min read
2 September Remnant Young Men's Group
4.5-mile ruck
Matthew 25:1-13, in response to the disciples' question about His second coming and the end of the world, Jesus tells the parable of the Ten Virgins. It helps if we understand Bible symbology.
Virgin: One who professes to be a Christian
The Bridegroom: Christ
Lamp: The word of God; the Bible
Oil: The Holy Spirit
10 x "Christians". 5 were wise and 5 were fools.
The five fools carried the word of God in their hands, but they lacked the Holy Spirit. How many today sit in church, listen to the preaching, know much of what the scripture says, wear religious symbols and their necks, sing hymns, tell others about their religious activities, but lack the Holy Spirit? How many have a false profession of faith?
Only God knows what's in a person's heart, but the Bible says that "few there be that find it." It, being the straight gate and the narrow way that lead to life (eternal life with God).
The five wise virgins took oil in their vessels with their lamps. Their profession of faith was rooted deep; they had the Holy Spirit in their hearts. They were also prepared should the bridegroom tarry. We don't know the day nor the hour, but we need to be ready and endure.
Both the wise and the foolish slumbered and let down their guard. Even the saved believer can lose their zeal and grow "luke warm" if they aren't careful and diligent. Beware of spiritual decay.
Behold, the bride-groom cometh! Christ will come again at our midnight, when we may be least expect Him. It could be this night that our soul is required of us. Are we ready?
Go ye out to meet him! The unprepared, unbeliever will not go to meet him. They'll likely hide out of fear. For them, Christ comes more as a thief in the night than as the bride-groom. How many have been warned of the wrath to come, but chose to mock and scorn those who tried to tell them of things yet seen?
Is there any excuse left for those who choose not to repent and turn from their sin and accept Christ as their savior? With smart phones, laptops, iPads, smart TVs, and the Bible which has been translated into well over 1,000 languages, we can't say we never heard the message.
(More to follow next week.)
Go tell someone about Jesus Christ today.
Incepto ne desistam!